The Aunts Story: Theodora’s Mother (Mid Meroe)

Mrs Goodman is a central figure in Theodoras life. From an early age she seems to have written off Theo. This is mirrored in the relationship Fanny has with Lou. She has a malignancy that sharpens with age as her strength to wield the prick diminished. Her husband was able to contain her to some... Continue Reading →

The Quick and the Dead

After the wish wash and swirl the hard handed cha clunk of the changing gears like a joint snapping in and out of place the people could rest and become fat. They lived there and were kept just in case they were needed. For some it did not matter how they came to know as... Continue Reading →

A Day in the Life

They were up early. The challenge lay waiting. Yesterdays reading had yielded many questions. First there was the suggestion of the snake. Long grass, a dangling horses bridle and then the heat and Frank Parrot laying next to Theodora. Then there were the drums that beat in the heat suggestive of wild African cannibals getting... Continue Reading →

The Aunts Story as a VPC

The purpose of this blog is to consider the structure of the early part of the Aunts Story with a GCP VPC. The reader will become the client and the book the system. Flashback Why is does the novel open when Theodora is middle aged and then go back to her youth? The Meroe chapters... Continue Reading →

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