A Novel Framework

how about instead of making life fit the framework, the framework is purpose built as an artefact for guidance through different challenges. Once the secret has been revealed you can move on. The heart will tell you what you need to fear. What kind of analogy would work? How about a different one for each... Continue Reading →

Pushing Through

Over the past few months I have written in drips. There has not been the consistency needed for effective development. I need the two hours in the morning if I want to be good. Once I get my google architect exam I propose devoting the morning to writing. That can be my second oath for... Continue Reading →

xmas day

Putting some time to think about how I can create artefacts more effectively. Artifacts can record progress. They are a solid object that hold a state of mind the way a state file represents infrastructure. The world and the mind are always drifting though. The most you can hope for with an artefact is a... Continue Reading →

Daily Routine 2022

4am - Wake up, prep coffee, eat and orange 4-430 - Drink coffee and chill 430-6 - Study (Terrafrom, GCP) 6-7 - Exercise (Run, calisthenics alternate days) 7-9 - Look after boys/drop them to kindy 9-5 - Work 5-7 - Pick up boys, prep dinner and eat 7-8 - Bath and bed

Jiu Jitsu

I've been listening to podcast interviews with Jiu Jitsu experts this week. It is a sport that lends itself to the philosophical and draws parallels with real life problem solving. Putting yourself in weak positions This technique was emphasised by Rodger Gracie. He discusses the anomaly of the defensive superiority of some purple belts to... Continue Reading →

The Candle

The world is an endlessly interoperable place. We use a candle to light the way. If we hold our candle one way we see a part of the room, if we hold it the other we see a different part. If I feel angry I can hold the candle towards the source, towards the stream... Continue Reading →

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